Friday, February 29, 2008

Why I DO blog

In no particular order, here are the reasons I do blog.

1. It is a chance to dip into the thinking of people who have studied, thought, and written clearly about what they are writing. I am not talking about the "I have an opinion and 60 seconds to write it down" blogs, I am talking about the "I have devoted a substantial part of my life/thought to understanding this topic and want to share it" blogs.

2. While it is easy to give a caricature of a person, position, idea on a blog, the fact that readers are allowed to comment, while at times becoming ugly (it is easy to be ungracious when all that is in front of you is a computer screen and not a person) it also allows for correction and people to present their view in their own words.

3. Blogs connect people to resources along the lines of their interests and passions.

4. Because blogs allow for the sharing of information to a broad audience relatively easily, it is a great way to find out about things of note. Because there are a lot of worthless things that people are sharing anyway, this only works when you find bloggers who are consistently trustworthy and thoughtful. When that happens, blogs are a great way to learn about things that, rather than just being a way to waste time, actually provide enrichment.

5. Writing often clarifies thinking. Having a blog forces thought to become more concrete and careful, which it must become anyway if it is going to be any help to anyone.

A couple recommendations:

Between Two Worlds: Justin Taylor

Reformissionary: Steve McCoy

Challies.Com: Tim Challies

Sovereign Grace Ministries: C. J. Mahaney

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