Friday, April 11, 2008

TED Talks: Microfinance and Thoughts on How to Fight Poverty

Jacqueline Novogratz talks about the work she has done in creating real change in poverty in Africa and around the world. Watch the video here.

Quote from her lecture:
"We so often don't realize what our action and inactions does to people we think we will never see and never know."

"4 billion people on Earth make less than $4 a day."

"A couple of principles [of microfinance]: Build small, make it infinitely expandable, and affordable to the poor."

[about Malaria bednets] "$5 save a life. Malaria is a disease that kills 1-3 million people a year...We can send people to the moon, we can see if there is life on Mars, why can't we get $5 nets to 500 million people?"

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